Thursday 13 November 2014

Burger Republic

With a large portion of the east side complete, I decided to spread my wings and head south of Adelaide. Only baby steps though, so I hit up King William Street to check out Burger Republic. I was on a high from my previous trip to Nord Burger, after brushing of the poor start Adelaide had to offer in my first two reviews. Burger Republic did not disappoint.

The décor here is pretty simple. The walls are covered with old mug shot photos of old Australian convicts and some famous faces, such as Elvis. See if you can work them all out. The walls are covered in fake raw brick wallpaper and on one side, a great selection of hot sauces you can use to spice up your burger, chips or life. Quotes above the bar read “Life is too short to miss out on the beautiful things like a double cheeseburger - Channing Tatum” and "Man who invented the hamburger was smart; man who invented the cheeseburger was a genius - Matthew McConaughey”.

The Burger republic has a huge range of local and imported craft beers and ciders that are constantly changing, along with cocktails, margaritas and wine. They can be a touch pricey with beers $8-12 a bottle. The place seems like a family run operation and who I assume was the owner working the front bar and counter was super helpful.

I order myself a Sweet Thang burger, with bacon, caramelized onion and blue cheese, and a side of chips. Burger cost $12 with a side of chips for $3.50. After about a 15 minute wait looking through at all the mug shot the burger arrived. On first impressions it was smaller than expected for the price, but the perfect size for the burgers I like. I find a lot of placed tend to pack too much into their burgers and they are nigh on impossible to eat without using your entire face.

First bite, my god. This burger was amazing to say the least. The caramelized onions were super sweet and complemented the tangy blue cheese perfectly and the beef patty was simple and cooked perfectly, just the right amount of grease. The chips tasted like the goodness of Macca’s fries with the consistency of KFC chips, perfection in my eyes and mouth. After savouring every bite of this meal I was beyond satisfied. I grabbed my self a prancing pony beer, sat back and relaxed.

Do yourself a favour and check Burger Republic out.

Burger Republic on Urbanspoon

Wednesday 12 November 2014


Nordburger. By far my favourite burger joint in Adelaide thus far. This place is quick, hip, cheap, and most importantly offers delicious burgers.

After visiting this place a few weeks ago whilst continuing my journey down the Norwood Parade I was so pleasantly surprised and have been back numerous time to try almost everything on the menu. Pity they don’t have a loyalty card, not that they need it. This place always has a queue and there’s a good reason why. Orgasmic burgers, orgasmic shakes and tatter tots.

Nordburger dishes up simple greasy American style burgers and isn't trying to be anything other than a damn good burger joint. The burgers aren't ‘gourmet’ or ‘healthy’ but they are delicious. The cheese, the grease, the patty. I would like to find something bad about the burgers but I can’t! The only downfall of Nord burger is the small interior, but this also adds to the charm of the place. The seats are shitty concrete stools…come to think of it the whole frikin’ place seems to be concrete. But the atmosphere of the staff and the music makes this basement looking complex oddly inviting. You’ll find kids, suits, hipsters and families here all enjoying the burgers.

The thought of Nord burgers has made me lose my train of thought, be right back getting Nordy with Nordburger.

So let’s get down to business the burgers. I generally order a Nord burger, which is your typical cheese burger. You can add lettuce and tomato for a bit extra if that your thing, but sometime simplicity is best. If you’re feeling a little hungrier and lacking a touch of self-respect, try the double-bacon. This is my all-time favourite but it leaves you in a food coma, nursing a burger baby for your 8hr digestive cycle.

                Courtesy Urbanspoon

The shakes are delicious and I usually opt for the salted caramel or snickers shakes. Don’t ask how many calories there are in them as you probably don’t want to know. If you are a self-loathing person or a marathon runner or a self-loathing marathon runner then these are perfect for you. One a month will probably be enough for the average punter, although good luck saying no to one when they up sell you.

Meal prices are decent, with a double-bacon with either tatter tots or curly fries setting you back $13.50. 

They also serve up Viennese style hot dogs and a vegetarian mushroom burger option. Gluten buns available for the one per-centers. 

Nordburger on Urbanspoon

Sunday 9 November 2014


For my next few reviews I thought I would stay local and see what the rest of the East side of Adelaide had to offer. This saw me heading to Adelaide’s yuppie central hangout, no not Burnside, I’m talking about Norwood. Where the elite middle aged white women congregate in pricey cafes with their newly born babies to sip on peppermint tea and discuss how great our current government and lord Tony Abbot is, or so I am led to believe. My first stop down the Parade was Grill’d. A Melbourne burger icon and now new Adelaide franchise. Grill’d has opened up in the Hoyts complex, where Billy Baxter use to whip up 3pm stoned over brekkies for the late risers. The newly furnished building allows for ample seating space indoors and outside in the undercover terrace area. The style is typical of Melbourne influenced café culture, with booths, tiles walls and filament lights that seem to be trending harder than Pokemon cards in the 90's.

I must confess I have a predisposition to already hate on Grill’d, as I had a less that pleasant experience with a Caesar Chicken burger at their Melbourne store a year ago. Let’s just say it left my on the toilet, whilst simultaneously projectile vomiting into the bath. But like horrible exes, we forget how bad it was and inevitably have another go. I can safely say that my Adelaide experience was much better.

Like many new burger joints you are offered a range of buns including the regular panini bun, its ‘wholemeal’ alternative and a gluten free bun for the 1% of populace with Celiac disease. Grill’d offers a great range of burgers, catering for all sorts. They including beef, chicken, lamb, sliders, steak sandwiches and veggie burgers. There motto is “healthy eating” although I can’t see how that has anything to do with the food and beverage menu they are dishing up.  Their smallest burger has 2300KJ, so unless you are on a led up to hibernation or a heavy bulk, this is going straight to the stomach and thighs. Due to the burgers using lean meat, they sacrifice taste, which is a big cross in this burger lovers book. If you like, no love salt, then purchase a side of chips. It’s about half chips and half salt and leaves you searching for the nearest water source. You can purchase alcohol here but expect to pay close to $10 for a stubbie. 

      Every burger purchase allows you to 
        donate to one of three charities

All in all, If your looking for a quick burger meal for the family that isn't McDonald's or HJ's, then Grill'd serves up a good range of semi healthy burger.

Grill'd on Urbanspoon

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Burger Foundry

The Burger Joints first review. Who would take my innocent burger virginity. I went local and took a stroll down Magill road to see what the East side of Adelaide had to offer. The orgasmic scent of burger grease wafted through the air on approach. Given its location, this was probably the fast food one night stand duo Hungry Jacks or its big sister McDonald's down the road, waiting for its drunken hook up, both spewing their nightly odours to attract innocent prey. As a burger snob I was off to check out what Burger Foundry had to offer.

I was fresh from my quarterly gym workout and hungry as a bear fresh out of hibernation. 

I frequented Burger Foundry at its old location, a few shops from its current residence. A tiny shop front with a single table, with not much character but a decent menu and some of the tastiest burgers in Adelaide. Their new location, under the 'Older Persons Mental Health Services' offices, has definitely allowed this joint to flourish stylistically, and with a quick visit from its upstairs clientele, should cure them of any mental ailments they might have. Great atmosphere and design, with a large flat screen TV and glass screen looking into the kitchen, so you can tune out from whatever annoying customers that may have accidentally followed you in. The place has plenty of seating inside and a small standing area outside to watch the chaotic traffic on the main street.

        Blue Steel Burger & Hand Cut Chips

I opted for the Blue Steel Burger and a side of Chips. After about a 10 minute wait the deliciousness was ready for consumption. The crunchy walnuts and stinky blue cheese gave this burger a unique flavour and complemented the caramelized onion, rocket and aioli perfectly. I am a man of simple pleasures and a quality beef patty is one. The beef was cooked well and didn't ooze grease like I teenager, but was dry and lacked anything special, like that from its bigger brothers the slow cooked patty. The chips tasted like plain old potatoes and lacked anything exciting. Their meal deal is hardly a deal, with a side of chips and a coke for $6.50, making a burger, chips and drink around $20. Expensive for a burger meal if you ask me. But the burger was large, gourmet and tasty, so we’ll let that one slide.

Get there with someone’s kids from Monday till Wednesday and get yourself a kids burger for free. Now that is a deal. They also offer chicken burgers, ribs and for the mentally insane, veggie burgers. A nice addition is the coffee foundry to get your caffeine fix.

Check it out for yourself at:


Burger Foundry on Urbanspoon